Sunday, 29 June 2014

Simple Origami - Ten Sided Yin Yang Globe

I've decided to learn a new craft each month and this month I've picked up Origami! Now I'm not the most patient of people so when someone on my blog asked me to make a tutorial for a ten sided tin yang globe, I jumped at the offer...after having to look up what it was of course!

 Step 1

Cut out your shapes. I've created some Cricut templates but you could also just print out the image file on to thin card and cut it by hand

If you don't have a cutting machine then you can just print out the images below on thin card

Step 2

 Hook the individual pieces together so that you end up with this pattern

Note: I tried to make both ends of each piece the same size but I think one is a little smaller than the other, if it doesn't look like it fits properly then try turning the piece around

 Step 3

Flip the piece over so the circle patter in on the bottom and then start to pull the tops of each piece up and lock them into each other as well

If you want to place something inside then do it before pulling up the last pieces!

Step 4

Adjust the pieces until they are evenly spaced and you end up with this candy shape. You can use as many colours as you like but I quite like this two tone effect.

I'll be back,

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A blog for fun and unusual Craft tutorials This year I will be learning a new craft every month - if there is a craft you would like to learn, let me know

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